Concurrent Live Viewers

Concurrent Live Channels

Streams by Day

0 streams in the last 28 days. 'Some Coding' streams contain non coding portions such as Just Chatting or even gaming activity.

Languages by Live Streams (20)

Languages by Live Viewers (508)

For currently live channels, marked as coding and based on the Twitch language of the streamer being watched, not Twitch language tags or viewer language preferences.

Channel Origin by Live Streams (12)

Channel Origin by Live Viewers (333)

For currently live channels, marked as coding and based on both the current location and nationality of the streamer (not their viewers). Locations are manually curated, using public information from channel and social media profiles. Totals will be greater than channel/viewer counts if streamers live in a different location than their nationality.

Total Channels Tracked by Location

114 countries and regions, based on 5,009 channels (62.5% of total tracked) with an identified location.

Channels by Time Since Last Streamed

Twitch Broadcaster Types

Channel Types

'Standard' channels are any that are not Twitch Partner or Affiliate. Channel types is based on manual curation.